Share the Love… and a Loaf

I’ve seen far too many posts lately of friends and loved ones just trying to hold things together. You’ve seen them too… The ones struggling with health issues, strained marriages, the uncertainty of employment changes, and the pressures of life.

Let’s face it, the New Year motivation has worn off, the days just aren’t long enough, and we could all use a boost.

What better time to #sharethelove?

I’ve been baking more than my family can eat lately, so I’m #sharingthelove and gifting glorious #carbs (sorry all my keto-loving friends). There’s something comforting about a handcrafted loaf of bread.

So slice it, grill it, dip it, slather it in butter, drizzle with honey, there’s no wrong way to enjoy!

What are you doing to #sharethelove this month?

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